Halogen Shariah Ethereum Fund
The world's first Shariah-compliant cryptocurrency fund that provides institutional-quality exposure to physical spot and staked Ethereum (ETH). The Fund offers you the benefits of investing in Ethereum in a familiar unit trust structure without the hassle of managing the coins yourself.
Fund Type
Digital Asset
Target Exposure
Physical Spot Ethereum
Redemption Period
T+1 (Next Day)
Assets Under Management
Why Invest With Us
Invest in Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation (RM 2T) after Bitcoin.
Easy Access
Gain access to spot Ethereum via a traditional, segregated unit trust structure and additional staking yield of 3.5%.
Fund assets are held with institutional-grade global crypto custodians.
We operate as a Securities Commission Malaysia-licensed digital asset fund manager.
Standardised Reporting
Fund performance & audited reports in line with the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS).
The world's first Shariah-compliant Ethereum unit trust fund (endorsed by Amanie Advisors).
Fund Information
Regulated By
Malaysian Capital Markets Regulator
Dispute Resolution Body
Our Partners
Shariah Advisor
Fund Auditor
Fund Tax Advisor
Fund Trustee
Corporate Bank
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